
Stay at Home Survival Guide for You and Your Relationships

Stay at Home Survival Guide for You and Your Relationships

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably feeling inundated with all of the advice, comfort, encouragement, tough talk, pep talks, and other messages flooding your inbox this week. I struggled with writing this because I find when I’m feeling oversaturated, my friends usually are too. But at the risk of pouring water into an already…

How to Break the News When Your Family Holiday Traditions Need a Tune-Up

How to Break the News When Your Family Holiday Traditions Need a Tune-Up

Family holiday traditions can be the glitter glue that holds all the precious moments of the season together. But when a tradition that was once part of the holiday magic begins to feel like a stressful expectation, it might be time for a holiday tradition tune-up. Now you just have to break the news to…

Why Pursuing Your Passions is Good for Your Relationships and 5 Questions to Help You Find Yours

Why Pursuing Your Passions is Good for Your Relationships and 5 Questions to Help You Find Yours

Discovering and nurturing the things that make our hearts beat faster isn’t just good for us personally. Pursuing our passions is a way of life that’s also good for our relationships. I know what it’s like to ditch your passions for a season. I loved being a full-time mom, and I poured all of my…